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How To Protected Folder with Password!!

Do you want to password protect your folder?
 Do you want to makeit invisible so that it remains unnoticed by other users of your PC?
Well, here is a way to do that.
In this post, I will show you how to make aninvisible password protected folderin Windows without using any additional software.
How to Create a Password Protected Folder?

Here is is step-by-step procedure to do this:

Create a new folder (Right-click -> New -> Folder) and give it any name of your choice. For instance I name it asABC.

Step-2:- Now, in this folder place all the important files, documentsor any folders that you want to password protect.

Step-3:-  Right-click on this folder (ABC) and select the optionSend To->Compressed (zipped) Folder.

Step-4:- Now a new compressed zipped folder gets created next this folder (ABC) with the same name.
Step-5:- Double-click on this compressed zipped folder and you should see your original folder (ABC) here.

Step-6:- Now go to theFilemenu and select the optionAdd a password(File->Add a password)Now a small window will pop up and here you can set your desired password. Once the password is set, the folder will ask for the password every time it is opened.Thus ,you have now created the password protected folder.

How To Protected Folder with Password!! How To Protected Folder with Password!! Reviewed by Uttam Kumar Singh on June 03, 2016 Rating: 5

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